Bribery and corruption are found in all countries. They hurt the poor disproportionately, diverting resources intended for development and humanitarian assistance and increasing the costs of basic public services. They undermine economic growth and are a barrier to poverty alleviation and good governance. Often, bribery and corruption can aggravate conflict and insecurity.
On the initiative of Transparency International UK and Mango, Bond established a Working Group of UK NGOs to develop a set of principles and guidance for countering bribery. This document draws on the Business Principles for Countering Bribery, developed through a Transparency International-led multi-stakeholder initiative and a first draft of guidelines developed by WaterAid.
This document has been reviewed against the Guidance to the UK Bribery Act 2010 published by the UK Ministry of Justice and has been discussed with the UK’s Serious Fraud Office.
All members of the Working Group contributed their ideas, expertise and experience and this document has been agreed by all of the organisations involved. Bond has published this document to provide NGOs with simple clear and practical principles and guidance on putting effective anti-bribery measures in place.
In partnership with Mango, Transparency International UK runs a regular Anti-Bribery workshop for Humanitarian and Development NGOs.